Community interpreting

As part of a medical, social or school interview, the professionals who receive you can call on trained interpreters. Interviews can take place face-to-face, but also by telephone or video. In general, it is the professionals (doctors, social workers, teachers, etc.) who request the interpreter and, in this case, the costs are covered by their institution.

There are several interpreting and translation services in the canton of Vaud, including the community interpreting sector of Appartenances, which has been the partner association in the canton of Vaud for 25 years. About 60 languages are available.


Secteur Interprétariat communautaire et médiation interculturelle
021 341 12 51


Association suisse pour l’interprétariat communautaire et la médiation interculturelle répertorie d’autres offres régionales disponibles dans le canton de Vaud.

Office de qualification
Monbijoustrasse 61
3007 Berne
031 351 38 29

Written translations

If you need to have official documents translated (diplomas, birth/marriage certificates, work certificates, etc.) and obtain “certified true” translations, you can have the text translated by a translator. Please note that the procedures may vary depending on the type of translation desired.

Legalisation (translation for Switzerland)

Have the text translated by a translator, asking them to confirm that they have indeed authenticated their signature with a Vaud notary. Only notaries are authorised to legalise the signatures of individuals. The website of the Association des Notaires Vaudois offers a list of notaries.

Apostille (translation for states signatories of the hague convention)

  • Have the text translated by a translator, asking them to confirm that they have indeed authenticated their signature with a Vaud notary. Only notaries are authorised to legalise the signatures of individuals.
  • Have the notary’s authentication apostilled by the Bureau des Légalisations of the Prefecture of Lausanne.

Simple legislation (translation for states non-signatory of the hague convention)

  • Have the text translated by a translator, asking them to confirm that they have indeed authenticated their signature with a Vaud notary. Only notaries are authorised to legalise the signatures of individuals.
  • Contact the embassy or consulate of the State concerned to obtain a visa.
  • Submit everything to the Bureau des Légalisations of the Prefecture of Lausanne for simple legalisation.
Legalise a document

Préfecture de Lausanne,
Bureau des légalisations

Place du Château 1
1014 Lausanne

You can also contact the Swiss Association of Translators, Terminologists and Interpreters ASTTI to find a translator or interpreter in your region.

Using a translation service or agency guarantees that you will obtain results that meet the standards for the translation of these types of documents.

More information

Zeughausgasse 18 | 3001 Berne
056 664 88 10



Secteur Interprétariat communautaire et médiation interculturelle
021 341 12 51

Apostroph Lausanne SA

Rue Mercerie 12
1003 Lausanne
021 643 77 99

ABC Translation

Also offers an interpreting service

Chemin de Praz 6
1023 Crissier
079 603 93 80

Arrow Traduction

Also offers an interpreting service

Voie du Chariot 3
1003 Lausanne
024 494 11 89

ADR Traductions

Avenue du Théâtre 7
1005 Lausanne
021 312 76 84


Y-Parc, rue Galilée 7
1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
021 588 1070

Interserv SA Lausanne

Avenue de l’Avant-Poste 4
1005 Lausanne
021 313 44 44

OffiTrad Lausanne

Avenue de la Gare
1003 Lausanne
021 588 01 18

Traductions Tradeuras

Chemin de Chandieu 20
1006 Lausanne
078 623 60 15

Traducta Switzerland

Avenue Charles-Ferdinand-Ramuz 99
1009 Pully
0800 888 440

Rue des Communaux 35
1800 Vevey

021 923 61 50